Many of our investors count on HarbourEdge MIT monthly interest payments to enhance their retirement lifestyles. Others compound their earnings through our dividend reinvestment plan.
How we invest your money
– Construction bridge financing
– Construction mortgages
– Private mortgages
– Residential and commercial 1st and 2nd mortgages
The members of our Management Team come from construction and development, institutional finance and accounting backgrounds, so we understand our niche very well. At any given time we have upwards of 30 loans in our mortgage portfolio from an investment fund of approximately $80 million.
Our key business objective is Preservation of Capital through careful risk management. There are many factors involved in managing risk, beginning with astute investment choices. Among the numerous financial management techniques we employ in underwriting mortgages, the following are key tools that we use to limit risk:
Loan-To-Value (LTV)
Historically the average amount of loans made to borrowers have represented no more than 75% of the appraised value of the assets held under security at the time of advance. The maximum LTV we will lend to is 75%. This means that investors benefit from a higher level of borrower equity in the assets we underwrite. A low LTV is a key underwriting tool.
Concentration Risk
Due Diligence
HarbourEdge Centre
40 Huron Street, Suite 200
Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4R3
HarbourEdge Capital Corporation
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* Investment return will fluctuate over time. Past performance may not be repeated.